Thursday, 12 September 2013

Waste Management 2014

7th International Conference on Waste Management and the Environment

12 - 14 May 2014

Ancona, Italy

Organised By:
Wessex Institute of Technology, UK
Università Politecnica delle Marche, Italy


The International Conference on Waste Management and the Environment is organized every two years by the Wessex Institute of Technology. This seventh conference follows the success of previous meetings held in Cadiz (2002), Rhodes (2004), Malta (2006), Granada (2008), Tallin (2010) and the New Forest (2012). The Conference provides a forum for the exchange of scientific information and work on the current situation of waste management amongst professionals, researchers, government departments and local authorities.

There is growing awareness of the detrimental effects of current waste disposal and a movement towards greater accountability for effective waste management. Better practices and safer solutions are required. This creates a need for more research on current disposal methods such as landfills, incineration, chemical and effluent treatment as well as recycling, waste incineration, clean technologies, waste monitoring, public and corporate awareness, and general education. Waste Management is one of the key problems of modern society due to the ever expanding volume and complexity of discarded domestic and industrial waste.

Unfortunately many of the policies adopted in the past were aimed at short term solutions without due regard to the long term implications on health and the environment, leading in many cases to the need to take difficult and expensive remedial action.

The desired direction of waste management is towards sustainable strategies. The approach which has emerged as the most sustainable strategy has been called 3Rs, where reduction, reuse and recycling, in this order, are seen as the best actions. Recently recovery is added as the fourth action (4Rs) applied in order to; for example, recover energy from waste that cannot be classified under the 3Rs. This largely decreases the volume of the waste that needs final disposal.

Further steps are required towards improvement of current technologies, increased collaboration between the public, government and private sectors and increased involvement of all stakeholders.

Conference Topics

  • Environmental impact
  • Reduce, reuse, recycle and recovery (4Rs)
  • Cost and benefits of management options
  • Waste incineration and gasification
  • Energy from waste
  • Industrial waste management
  • Nuclear and hazardous waste
  • Agricultural waste
  • Wastewater
  • eWaste
  • Landfill optimization and mining
  • Remote sensing
  • Thermal treatment
  • Emergent pollutants
  • Environmental remediation
  • Legislation
  • Behavioural issues

View the conference website, which has full details about the conference objectives, topics and submission requirements at:

Monday, 22 April 2013

Energy Quest 2014

Energy Production and Management in the 21st Century – The Quest for Sustainable Energy

23 – 25 April, 2014

Ekaterinburg, Russia

Organised by:
Ural Federal University, Russia
Wessex Institute of Technology, UK


The Conference aims to discuss the future of energy production and management in a changing world.

Developed societies require an ever increasing amount of energy resources, which creates complex technological challenges.

The idea is to compare conventional energy sources, particularly hydrocarbons, with a number of other ways of producing energy, emphasising new technological developments. The challenge in many cases is the conversion of new sources of energy into useful forms, while finding efficient ways of storing and distributing energy.

Energy policies and management are of primary importance to achieving sustainability, and need to be consistent with recent advances made in energy production and distribution. The Conference will also discuss the energy use of industrial processes, including the imbedded energy contents of materials, particularly those in the built environment.

Energy production, distribution and usage, result in environmental risks which need to be better understood. They are part of the energy economics and relate to human environmental health as well as ecosystems behaviour.

Conference Topics
  • Energy production
  • Energy management
  • Energy policies
  • Energy and economic growth
  • Energy efficiency
  • Hydropower
  • Wind energy
  • Solar energy
  • Nuclear energy
  • Biomass and biofuels
  • Energy storage
  • Hydrocarbons
  • Gas production
  • Processing of oil and gas
  • Energy conversion
  • Energy savings
  • Energy in the built environment
  • Energy networks
  • Pipelines
  • Energy balance
  • Energy economics
  • Heat, pumping systems
  • Environmental risk
  • Safety management
  • Emissions
  • C-O2 separation and storage
  • Imbedded energy
  • Energy and transport
  • Energy use in industry
  • Energy transmission and distribution
  • Energy industry efficiency
  • Energy security
  • Training in energy and sustainability


View the conference website, which has full details about the conference objectives, topics and submission requirements at:

Friday, 5 April 2013

2014 Conferences

The Wessex Institute of Technology 2014 Conference programme is now being promoted. 20 Conferences announced so far, with more to come.

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

2012 Post Conference Reports

Post Conference reports are now available for all the Wessex Institute of Technology Conferences organised in 2012 at - Find out what happened at the conference or go to and search for the papers presented at the conferences.

Monday, 18 February 2013

Horse Meat Scandal - Food and Environment 2013

Regarding the recent coverage of the mislabelling of food throughout Europe, we would like to bring to your attention the second international conference on Food and Environment which will be held in Budapest, Hungary from 22-24 April this year.  The conference will cover the important topics of traceability, contamination, regulations, transportation within the food industry, and other related topics.

The aim of the conference is to emphasise the effects of modern food production processes on the environment and human health, and to initiate discussion on the best ways to provide food of required quality, sufficient quantities and in a sustainable way.

The many advances made over the past century in food production have resulted in the possibility of feeding the whole of humanity. These advances have been achieved by the introduction of new production practices and a variety of added substances aimed at enhancing the quality and safety of food products; the whole process being affected by other environmental conditions such as contamination of air, water and soil resulting from sources other than agriculture. On the other hand there are examples where food production and food processing have detrimental effects on the environment. Some of the major challenges remain with extensive farming, which though offering higher productivity and larger volumes, should neither compromise the quality of the product nor cause undue suffering to animals.

Given the importance of this problem which affects the whole world population, it is essential to understand the consequences that food production, processes and demands can have on the food consumed daily. Of particular importance are the effects on human health and the well-being of the population, as well as the more general issues related to possible damage to the environment and ecology.

Food-related problems, in spite of their importance, have not been sufficiently well discussed in relation to the possible consequences to the environment, to better understand the challenges faced by society in this regard.

For further information please refer to our website