10th International Conference on Computational & Experimental Methods in Multiphase & Complex Flow

21–23 May 2019
Lisbon, Portugal

The 10th International Conference on Computational & Experimental Methods in Multiphase & Complex Flow took place in Lisbon, Portugal from 21st to 23rd May 2019. The Conference was organised by the Wessex Institute, UK, represented by Santiago Hernandez, and the University of New Mexico, represented by Professor Peter Vorobieff.
The conference, which started in Orlando Florida, USA in 2001, is well-established and always attracts a wide international spread of delegates. The overall focus of this conference series is on using synergies between experimental and computational techniques to gain a better understanding of all classes of multiphase and complex flow. The meeting aims to facilitate the exchange of ideas and experiences directly and interactively, thereby promoting the development of knowledge in this increasingly important field.
Opening of the Conference
The conference was opened by Santiago Hernandez who welcomed the delegates to the conference, before paying tribute to the founder of the Wessex Institute, the late Prof Carlos A Brebbia.Professor Hernandez then mentioned that the main object of WIT is the dissemination of knowledge, with particular emphasis on science and engineering. Another way in which this is achieved is by the publication of papers from conferences and Journals, through its publishing arm, WIT Press.
Professor Peter Vorobieff of the University of New Mexico, Conference Co-Chair, welcomed the delegates to the Hotel Tryp Lisboa Oriente. The conference hotel itself is in the area of Lisbon called the Parque das Nações, a redeveloped area of Lisbon on the Tagus River, which was built in preparation for the Expo ‘98.
He then gave his Keynote presentation entitled “Formation of a falling particle curtain”.
Invited Presentations
There were a series of invited lectures on advanced topics of research and applications, as follows:- “Drag of shock-accelerated microparticles”, by Dr Katherine Prestridge, Los Alamos National Laboratory, United States.
- “Experimental study of the interfacial waves produced in upward vertical annular flows when varying the liquid-phase surface tension”, by Professor Jose Luis Munoz-Cobo, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain.
- “Influence of the orifice shape on mass flow measurements of an air-water mixture”, by Professor Mariusz Rzasa, Opole University, Poland.
- “Mass transfer through free surfaces boundary layers using a statistical approach” by Professor Harry E Schulz, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil.
- “First wholly-analytical gas volume fraction model for virtual multiphase flow metering petroleum industry applications” by Dr Anand Nagoo, Nagoo Associates, United States.
- “CFD and experimental studies on capture of fine particles by liquid droplets in open spray towers”, by Dr Nabil Rafidi, G E Power, Sweden
- “Swelling during pyrolysis of fiber-resin composites when heated above normal operating temperatures” by Dr Brent Houchens, Sandia National Laboratories, United States
- “Validation and application for planing craft GPPH”, by Dr Minyee Jiang, US Navy, United States.
Conference Sessions
The papers presented during the conference were classified under the following headings:- Experimental Measurements (two sessions)
- Numerical Methods (two sessions)
- Multiphase Flows (three sessions)
- Flow Structures
- Mixed experimental and numerical approaches
- Flows in porous media
Conference Publication
Papers presented at this conference will appear in Vol. 123 of the WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences (ISSN: 1743-3533). Papers presented at the meeting will be available Open Access in the eLibrary of the Wessex Institute (https://www.witpress.com/elibrary) from where they can be freely downloaded by any interested parties.A few papers were selected for publication in the International Journal of Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements. This journal reviews the latest work in computational methods and experimental measurements, with a view to achieving harmonious development and interaction between the two. Other suitable papers were selected instead for inclusion in the International Journal of Energy Production and Management. This Journal act as an interdisciplinary forum for researchers and practitioners from around the globe working on a wide variety of topics related to the future of energy production and management in a changing world.