Energy Production and Management in the 21st Century – The Quest for Sustainable Energy
23 – 25 April, 2014
Ekaterinburg, Russia
Organised by:
Ural Federal University, Russia
Wessex Institute of Technology, UK
Developed societies require an ever increasing amount of energy resources, which creates complex technological challenges.
The idea is to compare conventional energy sources, particularly hydrocarbons, with a number of other ways of producing energy, emphasising new technological developments. The challenge in many cases is the conversion of new sources of energy into useful forms, while finding efficient ways of storing and distributing energy.
Energy policies and management are of primary importance to achieving sustainability, and need to be consistent with recent advances made in energy production and distribution. The Conference will also discuss the energy use of industrial processes, including the imbedded energy contents of materials, particularly those in the built environment.
Energy production, distribution and usage, result in environmental risks which need to be better understood. They are part of the energy economics and relate to human environmental health as well as ecosystems behaviour.
Conference Topics
- Energy production
- Energy management
- Energy policies
- Energy and economic growth
- Energy efficiency
- Hydropower
- Wind energy
- Solar energy
- Nuclear energy
- Biomass and biofuels
- Energy storage
- Hydrocarbons
- Gas production
- Processing of oil and gas
- Energy conversion
- Energy savings
- Energy in the built environment
- Energy networks
- Pipelines
- Energy balance
- Energy economics
- Heat, pumping systems
- Environmental risk
- Safety management
- Emissions
- C-O2 separation and storage
- Imbedded energy
- Energy and transport
- Energy use in industry
- Energy transmission and distribution
- Energy industry efficiency
- Energy security
- Training in energy and sustainability
View the conference website, which has full details about the conference objectives, topics and submission requirements at: