Thursday, 13 June 2019

ERES 2019 - Post Conference Report

12th International Conference on Earthquake Resistant Engineering Structures


5 - 7 June 2019
Seville, Spain


ERES 2019
The 12th International Conference on Earthquake Resistant Engineering Structures took place in Seville, Spain. The Conference was organised by the Wessex Institute, UK, represented by Professor Patrick de Wilde.
The conference, which started Thessaloniki, Greece in 1997, is well-established and always attracts a wide international spread of delegates. The Meeting provides a unique forum for the discussion of basic and applied research in the various fields of earthquake engineering relevant to the design of structures.

Opening of the Conference

The conference was opened by Professor de Wilde who welcomed the delegates to the conference, before paying tribute to the founder of the Wessex Institute, the late Prof Carlos A Brebbia.
Professor de Wilde then mentioned that the main object of WIT is the dissemination of knowledge, with particular emphasis on science and engineering. Another way in which this is achieved is by the publication of papers from conferences and Journals, through its publishing arm, WIT Press.

Invited Presentations

There were a series of invited lectures on advanced topics of research and applications, as follows:
  • “Numerical model of TRM reinforced masonry walls under lateral in plane loads”, by B. Torres Gorriz, University of Alicante, Spain.
  • “Relative displacements of 3D optical markers for deformations and crack monitoring of a masonry structure under shaking table tests”, by Dr I. Roselli, ENEA Research Centre, Italy.
  • “Seismic retrofit of existing buildings led by non-linear dynamic analyses”, by Dr. C. Porcu, University of Cagliari, Italy.

Conference Sessions

The papers presented during the conference were classified under the following headings:
  • Building performance
  • Seismic isolation and energy dissipation
  • Dynamic analysis
  • Vulnerability
There were numerous occasions for holding informal discussions during the coffee breaks and the complimentary lunches provided.

Conference Publication

Papers presented at this conference will appear in Vol.185 of the WIT Transactions on the Built Environment (ISSN 1743-3509). Papers presented at the meeting will be available Open Access in the eLibrary of the Wessex Institute ( from where they can be freely downloaded by any interested parties.
A few papers were selected for publication in the International Journal of Safety and Security. The Journal aims to provide a forum for the publication of papers on the most recent developments in the theoretical and practical aspects of these important fields. The Journal covers areas such as crisis management; security engineering; natural disasters and emergencies; terrorism; IT security; man-made hazards; risk management; control; protection and mitigation issues.

Conference Dinner

The Conference dinner took place at Oriza, a beautiful restaurant built within the walls of the Royal Alcazar of Seville. The participants enjoyed local dishes The evening was particularly appreciated by the participants.

Closing of the Conference

The conference was closed by Professor de Wilde who thanked the delegates for attending and hoped that they would consider attending the next conference in the series which is due to be reconvened in 2021.

Related Conferences

SUSI 2020, 22 – 24 June 2020
Risk Analysis 2020, 23 – 25 June 2020

View ERES 2019 Photos

Tuesday, 11 June 2019

CMEM 2019 - Post Conference Report

19th International Conference on Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements


3–5 June 2019
Seville, Spain


CMEM 2019
The 19th International Conference on Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements took place in Seville, Spain from 3 – 5 June 2019. The Conference was organised by the Wessex Institute, UK, represented by Professor Patrick de Wilde, and the University of Naples “Federico II”, Italy, represented by Professor Giovanni Maria Carlomagno.
The conference, which started in in Washington DC in 1981, is well-established and always attracts a wide international spread of delegates. The conference aimed to address a wide variety of topics related to experimental and computational methods with emphasis on new applications and the latest developments.

Opening of the Conference and Keynote Address

The conference was opened by Prof. de Wilde who welcomed the delegates to the conference, before paying tribute to the founder of the Wessex Institute, the late Prof Carlos A Brebbia.
Professor de Wilde then mentioned that the main object of WIT is the dissemination of knowledge, with particular emphasis on science and engineering. Another way in which this is achieved is by the publication of papers from conferences and Journals, through its publishing arm, WIT Press.
Professor Carlomagno of the University of Naples “Federico II” also welcome the delegates before opening the conference with a Keynote address on “Thermo-fluid-dynamic analysis of some innovative synthetic jet devise”.

Invited Presentations

There were a series of invited lectures on advanced topics of research and applications, as follows:
  • “Fundamental study of adaptive evacuation guide sign by using discrete element method based simulation”, by H. Horii, Kokushikan University, Japan
  • “Devices for environmental observation”, by G. Zappala, National Research Council, Italy
  • “Behavior of small fatigue-cracks inCu-5.5Ni-1.28Si allow round-bar specimens” by M. Goto, Masahiro, Professor, Oita University, Japan

Conference Sessions

The papers presented during the conference were classified under the following headings:
  • Measurements in Engineering
  • Modelling
  • Safety
  • Materials
  • Fracture and seismicity
  • Non-destructive evaluation

Special Session

Prof. Yolanda Villacampa, from the University of Alicante, Spain, organised a Special Session on “Computer modelling applications for civil engineering” consisting of 5 presentations:
  • 3D modelling of dune ecosystems using photogrammetry from remotely piloted air system surveys
  • Compressive strength classification of lightweight aggregate concrete using support vector machine (SVM)
  • Modified soil tests for scour analysis on offshore windfarms foundation
  • Nonlinear numerical models for predicting the bond strength of fibre reinforced concrete at high temperatures
  • Optimisation of the models for the determination of the crest of bars on sandy beaches
There were numerous occasions for holding informal discussions during the coffee breaks and the complimentary lunches provided.

Conference Publication

Papers presented at this conference will appear in Vol.125 of the WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences (ISSN 1743-3533). Papers presented at the meeting will be available Open Access in the eLibrary of the Wessex Institute ( from where they can be freely downloaded by any interested parties.
A few papers were selected for publication in the International Journal of Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements. This Journal provides the scientific community with a forum to present the interaction between the complementary aspects of computational methods and experimental measurements, and to stress the importance of their harmonious development and integration.

ISAC Dinner

The meeting of the International Scientific Advisory Committee (ISAC) of the Conference took place over dinner. At the meeting, members of the committee were encouraged to inform WIT of any suggestions for new topics to the conference and also discussed the evolution of the conference.

Conference Dinner

The Conference dinner took place at Oriza, a beautiful restaurant built within the walls of the Royal Alcazar of Seville. The participants enjoyed local dishes The evening was particularly appreciated by the participants.

Guided Visit to the City of Italica

A guided visit to the Roman city of Italica was organised for the delegates on the last day of the conference.
Italica was the first Roman city founded on the Iberian Peninsula and the birthplace of the emperors Trajan and Hadrian. During the visit, delegates were able to walk around ancient streets, the Roman theatre discovered in the middle of the 20th century, the old ancient thermal baths and its famous amphitheatre.

Closing of the Conference

The conference was closed by Professor de Wilde and Professor Carlomagno who thanked the delegates for attending and hoped that they would consider attending the next conference in the series which is due to be reconvened in 2021.

Related Conferences

AFM 2020, 2 – 4 June 2020
HPSM/OPTI 2020, 3 – 5 June 2020
SUSI 2020, 22 – 24 June 2020
BEM/MRM 43, 18-20 May 2020

View CMEM 2019 Photos