Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Fluid Structure Interaction 2013

7th Subrata Chakrabarti International Conference on Fluid Structure Interaction

10 - 12 April, 2013, Gran Canaria, Spain


University of Las Palmas (Canary Islands), Spain
Wessex Institute of Technology, UK


Fluid Structure Interaction 2013 is the seventh conference in this successful series, dedicated to the memory of its originator, the late Professor Subrata Chakrabarti. The series provides a forum for the presentation of new ideas and the latest work in the specialised field of fluid structure interaction.

The principal aim of this conference is to promote international exchange of information and knowledge of fluid structure interaction problems, giving experts from different application fields the opportunity to interact with one another and to provide valuable cross breeding of ideas and techniques.

The conference will encompass a wide range of topics within this area ranging from different types of fluids, such as; wind, current, biofluids and ocean waves to different types of structures; tall buildings, ocean structures, cables, towers, bridges, risers and others. New research for the advancement of interaction problems will be the main focus of the conference. Papers with new applications to real world problems will be particularly welcome. The basic mathematical formulations of fluid structure interaction and their numerical simulation will also be discussed, as well as physical modelling. Papers are sought in areas such as advanced experimental modelling and new applications of interaction.

The first meeting in this series was held in Halkidiki, Greece in 2001, followed by another one in Cadiz, Spain in 2003, another in A Coruña, Spain in 2005, one at the Wessex Institute's New Forest campus in the UK in 2007, then a 2009 conference in Crete, Greece. The latest meeting took place in Orlando, Florida, in 2011.

Subratra Chakrabarti

Subrata was a world-renowned expert in design and analysis of offshore structures, namely oil platforms. He was involved in the development of several offshore projects in many countries around the world. He was a frequent visitor to the Wessex Institute of Technology where he regularly taught two courses on those fields. He was author of a best selling book on the topic ‘Hydrodynamics of Offshore Structures’ published by the Institute's academic press (ISBN: 978-0-90545-166-4, eISBN: 9781845643980).

Conference Topics
  • Structure response to severe shock and blast
  • Hydrodynamic forces
  • Aeroelasticity
  • Computational methods
  • Flow induced vibrations
  • Experimental studies and validation
  • Bioengineering applications
  • Offshore structures
  • Soil structure interaction 
Web Page

View the conference website, which has full details about the conference objectives, topics and submission requirements at: http://www.wessex.ac.uk/13-conferences/fluid-structure-interaction-2013.html

Thursday, 30 August 2012

Coastal Processes 2013

3rd International Conference on Physical Coastal Processes, Management and Engineering

9 - 11 April 2013, Gran Canaria, Spain


University of Las Palmas (Canary Islands), Spain
Wessex Institute of Technology, UK
University of Parthenope, Italy


Following the success of the first two conferences on Coastal Processes held in Malta in 2009 and Naples in 2011, it has been decided to reconvene the meeting in Gran Canaria.
Coastal regions present a complex dynamic web of natural and human related processes. Although coastal zones are narrow areas extending a few kilometres on either side of the shoreline, and occupying a small strip of ocean and land, they play a very important role as they account for nearly a quarter of all oceanic biological production, which in turn supplies approximately 80% of the world's fish. About 60% of the human population live in the coastal zone, and around 70% of big cities are placed in this narrow area. Concomitantly, more than 90% of the pollutants generated by human economic activities end up in the coastal zone.

The unstoppable demand of the coast for recreational and tourism activities has increased the need for shore and beach protection, as well as the construction of artificial beaches, ports and harbours. Most coastlines are subjected to the direct impact of wind waves, swell and storm wave activity. As a result, wind waves and wave driven currents are the dominant mechanisms controlling littoral sand transport and determining the nearshore morphology. In addition, many other physical phenomena, such as tides and associated currents, long waves and storm surges, amongst others, can play a significant role in the dynamic behaviour of the coastal zone.

Due to its great socio-economic importance, the physical aspects of the coastal processes have been of concern for decades, but recent advances in a number of areas, including satellite remote sensing, are giving rise to significant progress in this field. In particular, the use of satellite and imaging systems has significantly enhanced the monitoring and understanding of coastal processes.

Conference Topics
  • Wave modelling
  • Hydrodynamic modelling
  • Effects of climate change in coastal zones
  • Coastal defences
  • Energy recovery
  • Sediment transport and erosion
  • Pollution and water quality
  • Planning and beach design
  • Coastal morphology
  • Coastal processes and navigation
  • Coastal processes and GIS
  • Bio-physical coastal processes
  • Remote sensing
  • Systems approach
  • Coastal zone management
  • Impact and recovery from tsunamis
  • Impact of storms and extreme events
  • Ecosystems modelling
  • Coastal lagoons
  • Coastal oceanography
  • Socio-environmental issues
Web Page

View the conference website, which has full details about the conference objectives, topics and submission requirements at: http://www.wessex.ac.uk/13-conferences/coastal-processes-2013.html

Monday, 20 August 2012

Wessex Institute Conferences Blog

This new blog by the Wessex Institute will feature information on the Wessex Institute's conference programme. It will post details of dates, locations, topics and the benefits associated with attending a Wessex Institute event. For further information on other activities of the Wessex Institute of Technology please refer to the Wessex Institute of Technology website - http://www.wessex.ac.uk, the Wessex Institute of Technology Blog - http://wessex-institute-of-technology.blogspot.co.uk/, like us on Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/witconferences or follow us on Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/wessexinstitute